Do not rejoice yet, getting to the N-power Batch C verification stage is a big plus for you, but that does not guarantee a recruitment into the Npower program, as there are other requirements to meet.
The National Social Investment Management System (NASIMS) disclosed this, through email it sent to the shortlisted candidates for N-Power Batch C program. According to the email, “shortlisting does not guarantee a final place on the program“.
What will guarantee your Npower final placement
The final stage of the selection process is deployment. To get to this final stage, applicants must enrol for Npower biometric capturing. Kindly not that biometric capturing enrolment can only take you the the deployment stage where your fate will be decided.
These categories of Npower Batch C applicants will never scale through the Npower deployment stage which is the final selection stage;
Employees under government or private sector
Beneficiaries of other government’s schemes like NYSC, NEXIT, NYIF, SPW, etc.
Applicants who did not follow
recruitment instructions. -
Applicants who do not have the N-power required documents.
Applicants above 35 years.
Pls am not unable to do the fingerprint here in Ajah
Pls do u know where I can do it with out stress in lekki or Ajah need recommendation.