All the Prospective Corps members should gather here. There is an information from NYSC.
This is to inform Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) that online registration for 2020 Batch A Stream 2 is in progress. The registration deadline is on 21st March 2020.
Kindly note the important information below;
1. Prospective corps members who completed their registrations with Stream 1 need not to register again. They should just relax and wait for their call-up letters. See how to print your call up letter with your phone.
2. Those who started online registration with Stream 1, but did not complete it, should login to their dashboards and continue from where they stopped.
3. Prospective corps member who did not register before should start new registration.
4. If you cannot find your name on the Senate list, contact your institution. CIick here to check your name on the senate list.
5. Prospective corps members who have been posted with Stream 1 but failed to report to orientation camp can revalidate, and go with next batch.
6. If you are exempted, go ahead to print the exemption slip and take it to your school for processing of your exemption Certificate. See how to process your NYSC exemption Certificate.
Below is an important question asked by a Prospective Corps member:
“I was mobilized for Batch A stream 1 but I didn’t show up in camp due to some certain reasons. What do I have to do to be able to follow stream 2 (April 2)”?
Best Answer: When Stream 2 Starts printing their call up letters, re-print your own. If the date on it changed, then go with Stream 2. But if there is no change in the date on your call up letter, then don’t go. You still have the opportunity to revalidate and go with 2020 Batch B.
If you have any question, kindly go to the comment section below. Thank you.
Hello good day,
I having an issue when I’m about to do my registration, which state that “I’m in stream,however my school has not submitted Hard copy, be patient ” how long I’m I going wait for this issue to be treated ?
Contact your Institution
I registered with stream 1 but I keep seeing “you have not been evaluated ” and I have done the physical verification of doc.what will I do.sir
Upload evaluation letter on your NYSC dashboard
Sir pls, my medical certicate does’nt contains the following tests, HIV,HCV,PCV,HB,BP & so on. Sir i hope there is no problm.
I think it will be accepted in camp.
I want to apply for changing of date of birth but my dashboard is not showing me date of birth, is showing me changing of cause, pls what do I do
Keep Trying
When is stream 2 batch 2020 going to camp
Tentatively on 2nd April
what is revalidation in nysc registration?
Click here for details
I applied for correction of date of birth with my WAEC certificate since stream 1 and it is not approved. pls what should I do?
Be patient
Hello sir, I did my registration with stream 1, I also did change of name because there was a mistake in my name, but the correction is yet to reflect up till this very moment and I couldn’t also print out my call up later so I was unable to go with stream 1. Plz what could be the problem??
Be patient
Hello sir, I registered with stream 1 and I couldn’t print out my call up later,I also did change of name because there was a mistake in my name,but up till this very moment the correction is yet to reflect and I didn’t also see my call up later.. plz what could be wrong?
You are in Stream 2. Be patient the name will reflect
Thank you sir
Pls my medical fitness certificate doesn’t contain HIV test,and someone said dey won’t allow me in camp,pls how true is it
You will be allowed provided it is not fake medical certificate
When forain student start varification
We don’t have official date yet. Be patient.
For instance I was posted to BAYELSA but didn’t print my call up letter cause I was not sure if I will meet up cause of one certain issue,, will I still print call up letter and go with stream 2?
Yes,but if the date on the call up letter is 10th March that means you would have to wait for Batch B to come up so that you can do revalidation.
Hi good afternoon.I supposed to go with batch A stream 1 but I got a message to wait for call up letter maybe next stream. Unfortunately my husband has been transfer to Enugu state not Awka again. What will I do BC d kids r in Enugu already.
When you get to camp, you apply for relocation to Enugu.
Good Day Mr Humphrey, please while trying to register yesterday I saw this “you are on stream 2 but your Institution has not submitted hard copy please be patient”. I called my Institution, and they are not ready to submit it yet. Please if they don’t submit before 21st, is there any way out?
No way out. It means you will wait for Batch B
I was diployed to Ebonyi state but there in camp I have a fingerprint issue. What should I do
You can apply to cancel the finger and then do another one. Ask the officials in camp to guide you on what to do.
Good day, pls my school uploaded the senate list the day stream 2 portal for registration opened, I tried to register but the pop up message notified me that the hard copy has not been submitted to nysc office in abuja. My question is that even as I made an attempt to register and didn’t succeed, will I still be able to follow Batch B because I really want to follow Batch B.
Yes, you can follow Batch B. Just remember your e-mail and password you used for creating account on the NYSC portal.
Why am I seeing *no record found* does it mean schools or NYSC are still uploading names. Plz I need answer.
Kindly contact your school
When are we going to start the registration for batch B please?
There is no official date yet. Just stay with us
Is it true that pregnant and nursing mothers get redeployment after relocating from camp
It is not true, only that they are exempted from camp activities like parade. Only married woman can redeploy on marital ground.
What if the person’s name is out in batch A but decided to go with batch B.how will he or she go about it?
The person can revalidate and go with Batch B
Please the name on my statement of result and that of my call up letter is fatai fatimo remi but the one on my bvn is fatai fatimo remi funmilayo.please I hope it won’t affect me for allawee
There is no problem with that
I am a graduate Modibbo adama university of technology. My name is in batch A stream 2 and i don’t want to go for service due to some personal reason and by May 22 i will be 30 years old and batch b is around May June is there any possibility for me to go service pls.
Yes, you will serve since you graduated before 30 years