Cost of NYSC Online Registration at Cyber Cafe

Cost of nysc online registration


Are you a prospective corps member looking forward to register for the National Youth Service Corps program? Do you want to know the cost of registering for NYSC? If ‘yes’, read this article till end as we walk you through the cost of NYSC online registration form at Cyber Cafe. Here we will answer questions such as; “What is the cost of NYSC online registration?” What documents are needed for NYSC registration at Cyber Cafe?”, and other important questions.

What Is NYSC Online Registration?

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) online registration is a process of submitting application form to the management of NYSC through the internet. During online registration, the NYSC online portal opens to accept new registration from the eligible candidates.

How much does it cost to register for NYSC?

The NYSC online registration form is free, but there are two major payments you are required to make during the registration process. They are;

1) Payment for NYSC Call-up letter (optional) 

2) Payment for Cyber Cafe service

Let’s discuss these two payments in details to avoid making a mistake.

Payment for NYSC call-up letter (optional)

To be able to print your Call-up letter online, prospective corps members are to pay about ₦3,048. If you don’t pay, NYSC will deliver your call-up letter to your institution instead of allowing you access to print it online. Foreign trained graduates who do not pay would have to visit the NYSC Abuja headquarters to ask for their call-up letters. So, only prospective corps members who want to PRINT their call-up letters online at the comfort of their home will pay ₦3,048.

PCMs who do not want to pay the ₦3,048 have the option of going to their schools to collect their Call-up letters.

Advantage of Paying ₦3,048 for Call-up letter

  • Paying ₦3,048 will save you the stress and cost of going to your Institution to pick-up your Call-up letter,
  • You can never lose your Call-up letter since you can print and re-print as you wish.

Disadvantages of Paying ₦3,048

There is no disadvantage expect that it will cost you the sum of ₦3,048, you can see how to pay ₦3,048 to NYSC during online registration

Payment for Cyber Cafe service

This payment is the money that you will pay to Cyber Cafe owners for their services, unless the Cyber Cafe owner is your brother, friend or relation who may decide not to collect money from you.

But if you have a computer and or smartphone, you can do your registration by yourself without paying those in cyber cafe.

If you must do it in cyber cafe, the amount to pay Cyber Cafe owners depends on the negotiation between you and the Cyber Cafe owner. However, Cyber cafe service cost ranges from ₦1,500 to ₦3,000 depending on your location.

Documents you need in Cyber Cafe for NYSC Online Registration

Below is the list of things prospective corps members should take along with them to the registration center.

  1. A passport photograph: You passport photograph should be clear without any obstruction. The background color should be white or off-white.

  2. Make up Free Face: Do not apply heavy make-up that day. Ladies be warned!

  3. Biro: You need Biro to write important things, that will save you from begging.

  4. Email Account: You need to have an email address preferably gmail. If you don’t have a gmail address, please create one.

  5. ATM card: You need ATM card (Visa or Master Card) to pay NYSC the sum of ₦3,048. Paying with another person’s card is still acceptable.

  6. Cash: You need to go with some cash to pay the Cyber Cafe owner and make other miscellaneous expenses.

  7. Your School Matriculation number and JAMB Reg number: if you don’t know it off head, please write it out on a piece of paper and take it along with other items.

  8. Documents for Foreign trained graduates: All the foreign trained graduates need to upload their documents during the online registration. Click here to see the documents.

  9. Marriage documents for married women: Married Prospective Corps Members who need concessional deployment (posting to where their husband stay) whether foreign or locally-trained should upload copies of their marriage documents during online registration (Click here to see those documents married)

  10. Medical Report for those with Disabilities: If you are disabled, you need to upload a medical report to support your claim.


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The cost for NYSC Call-up printing is ₦3,048. This amount is to be paid in favor of NYSC during online registration, it can either be paid with ATM card or through any designated bank.

The cost to register for NYSC at cyber cafe ranges from ₦1,500 to ₦3,000.

Therefore, the NYSC online registration will cost about a total of ₦5000 to pay all that is payable.

Below are the list of things needed at cyber cafe for NYSC online registration: Passport photograph, make-up free face, Biro, e-mail account, ATM card, cash, matriculation number, JAMB reg number, marriage certificate etc.

Source: Nyscinfo

If you have any question, drop it in the comment section below.


  1. Thanks for the information. During the online registration, are we going to upload our results also?

  2. pls if I didn’t pay for the registration, how long would it take to send my call up letter to my institution?

    secondly, how would I know when they have sent it to my institution?


  3. Can I stay in my house and use my laptop to register for nysc?. Do I need to thumb print for the registration

    • During NYSC online registration, you will create NYSC profile account just like Facebook.

      You can begin your registration with your computer if you don’t have finger printer reader. So, when you get to the stage to thumb-print, you can log out and then go to cyber café for thumb-printing. After thumb printing at cyber café, you can go back home to login to your account and continue from where you stopped.

  4. About marriage certificate, for those that get married traditionally, how and where can they obtain their certificate? Pls admin I need answer

    • You can get marriage certificate from church or court.
      If you don’t have money for wedding ceremony, you can just take your husband to church for ‘Mass wedding’so they can give you marriage certificate.

  5. Sir,good morning, the advantage of collection of call up letter in the school and disadvantage?, then the amount of cost in the school?,also the requirement ofcollection call up letter in school?, thanks,

  6. The medical it for only those that are disabled?..i was told i need medical report for NYSC registration

  7. How true is this information ” that NYSC BATCH B Reg, has been postponed till 7th of June, 2019.”

    • Yes, Cyber Cafe payment is for every PCM. But if you have paid for Call-up letter before no need to pay again during revalidation.

  8. i have been checking my name on the Senate list and it has been showing no record found what could b d cause ???

    • Sir, there is a WhatsApp grp I joined called awaiting nysc forum, I noticed that some schools have upload deir senete list most especially d polices, pls what abt d Universities sir.
      Good morning sir.

  9. If I don’t have ATM Card to pay for call-up letter online, can the cyber cafe man use his own ATM card to pay online before I pay him back the money in hand?

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