All the Prospective Corps members should gather here. There is an information from NYSC.
This is to inform Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) that online registration for 2020 Batch A Stream 2 is in progress. The registration deadline is on 21st March 2020.
Kindly note the important information below;
1. Prospective corps members who completed their registrations with Stream 1 need not to register again. They should just relax and wait for their call-up letters. See how to print your call up letter with your phone.
2. Those who started online registration with Stream 1, but did not complete it, should login to their dashboards and continue from where they stopped.
3. Prospective corps member who did not register before should start new registration.
4. If you cannot find your name on the Senate list, contact your institution. CIick here to check your name on the senate list.
5. Prospective corps members who have been posted with Stream 1 but failed to report to orientation camp can revalidate, and go with next batch.
6. If you are exempted, go ahead to print the exemption slip and take it to your school for processing of your exemption Certificate. See how to process your NYSC exemption Certificate.
Below is an important question asked by a Prospective Corps member:
“I was mobilized for Batch A stream 1 but I didn’t show up in camp due to some certain reasons. What do I have to do to be able to follow stream 2 (April 2)”?
Best Answer: When Stream 2 Starts printing their call up letters, re-print your own. If the date on it changed, then go with Stream 2. But if there is no change in the date on your call up letter, then don’t go. You still have the opportunity to revalidate and go with 2020 Batch B.
If you have any question, kindly go to the comment section below. Thank you.
I don’t understand why NYSC select only female for state of deployment availability.?? Most of men faces problem in completing such places.we need to know if we have no chance in batch A stream 2.anytime checking our dashboard is the same story we reached.( no slot ).more than a week
Be patient, State slot will be available in few days
Pls I can’t print my green card, I do my online registration since on d 14th of this month and have paid for my call up letter on dat same day 14th up till now I can’t print my green card, pls what is d problem, pls tell me what to do
Be patient. You call up number is not yet ready
I was mobilize with batch a stream 1 but getting to camp my finger thump isn’t dropping ..what could be the problem and the way forward to it .and i have been send out of camp.
Read this article, How To Use NYSC Biometric Capture Software For Registration Also, read this How To Fix Fingerprint Capture Errors During NYSC Registration