NYSC Call-up Letter Sample & Vital Information

In this article, I’m going to show you the sample of NYSC call-up letter, features and every other important things that you need to know about Call-up letter. The reason I will be showing the sample is for educational purposes. We at nyscinfo will not be held responsible for any misuse whatsoever.

What you should do now is to get a bottle of chilled drink as we roll down. Make sure you don’t jump any line so that you won’t miss the vital part of this information. Don’t just read, but study this article as if exam will be set for you on the topic.

Just like I said earlier, why I’m showing you the NYSC call-up letter sample is for educational purposes, nothing more nothing less.

It’s important that everyone, especially Prospective Corps Members (PCM) know the features of the Call-up letter before the date it would be printed, as to know what to expect.

For example, if you have not seen the United States Dollar Note before, you may not be able to differentiate between the fake and the original the fitst time of seeing it. That is why it’s important for PCMs to at least see the sample of NYSC call-up letter before getting the original.

Now, before I show you the the NYSC call-up letter sample, it’s very important that I explain what the Call-up letter is all about.

What is the NYSC Call-up letter?

It’ll be unfair if I show you the Call-up letter sample without explaining what the call-up letter means.

The NYSC call-up letter is actually a letter that will be given to you few days after the completion of your NYSC online registration. Note: Green Card is also given after
registration but it is different from Call-up letter, so don’t mistake the two.


For those who paid about N3,000 during online registration, they will be able to print their Call-up letter online, while those who do not pay the money will have to travel to their various institutions to pick up their call-up letters.

It’s always advisable to pay for Call-up letter instead of picking it from your school. If you pay the N3000, you will be able to print and even re-print the call-up letter as many times as you want, meaning that you can never lose your call-up letter, since you can re-print it. There, are many other advantages but because of time, I will not give you all. But when one opt not to pay, his call-up will be sent to his Institution where he will go to pick, which mean there is no way to retrieve it if you misplace it since your Institution does not have duplicate.

There are more things I would like to share with you before I show you the sample of call-up letter sample.

Another vital thing you should take note of is, your Call-up letter must be printed in colored.

READ ALSO: NYSC redeployment – how to successfully process & secure it

Features of the Call-up letter

The NYSC Call-up letter is a document that will show you the following:

  • Surname:
  • Other Names:
  • Call up Number:
  • State of Origin:
  • Gender:
  • Institution:
  • Date of Graduation:
  • State of Deployment:
  • Date of Reporting:
  • date you are to report to camp:
  • Officer-In-Charge:
  • Basic camp requirements, and other important details.

Note: After getting your call-up letter, you should make about 6 photocopies of it, take the original and photocopies along with other required documents to the NYSC orientation camp for physical verification. If you go to camp without your call-up letter, you will not be registered.

The sample of the NYSC call-up letter and things to look out for

Below are the information you should look out for on the NYSC Call-up letter:

A. The Compatriot Constitutional Welcome: This is where you will be given an official welcome speech backed with the constitution of Nigeria. Read below:

“Dear Compatriot, I am happy to inform you that by the provisions of NYSC Act Cap N84 of the laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, arrangements have been completed for you to participate in the National Youth Service Corps Scheme for One Calendar Year and you should report as follows:”

READ ALSO: List of items needed in NYSC camp for registration

B. The ‘Shock’ (I call it the shock because it usually shock PCM)

This is where you will know the exact state you have been deployed, the date you will report to camp, the Officer in charge and the address of your orientation camp.

Please pay attention to the camp address on your call-up letter. Most of the time, the orientation camp might hold in another state instead of the state you are posted to.

Pay attention to the following:

  1. State of Deployment: 2. Date of Reporting: 3. Officer-In-Charge: 4. Address of Orientation Camp:

C. The Official Message

In the second part of the letter, there is an important message you should read. It is an instruction by the Director-General himself.

  1. This letter is a proof that you have been called-up for National Service. You must, therefore, present it to the State Coordinator, National Youth Service Corps of the state you are deployed to before you can be registered. All persons called-up are those whose results have been approved by the University Senate or the Polytechnic Academic Board and are also presented by their institutions to the National Youth Service Corps for mobilization. Registration at the camp shall only be for a period of 2 days. Be informed that there shall be no further registration in camp after the cut-off date and time.

  2. For the registration procedure, however, you are requested to bring to camp your original statement of result, Institution identity card, and 8 recent passport photographs. In addition, if you are a Medical Doctor, Pharmacist or an Optometrist you will be expected to bring along original of your registration certificate with the Nigerian Medical Council, Pharmacist Board or Optometrist Registration Council and evidence of completion of houseman-ship or internship.

  3. Arrangement has been made to pay the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Naira (#1,500.00) as Transport Allowance in the camp. Also the sum of One Thousand Naira (#1,000.00) shall be paid to you as local Transport Allowance. The above allowances are to be collected at the orientation camp of your state of deployment.

  4. I sincerely hope that you will participate fully in this noble scheme, bearing in mind that the nation will benefit from your participation. The motto of NYSC is “Service and Humility” which should be your motto throughout your year of National Service.

  5. As a participant in the orientation course, you will be required to take to the camp your pillow and pillow case, mosquito net, bed sheets, plates, cutlery, bucket, drinking cup and torch light for your personal convenience.

  6. I enjoin you to contribute your best to the Nation in the program that have been carefully designed for the achievement of the lofty objectives of the scheme. You are expected to resume duty at your place of primary assignment immediately after the orientation as no leave whatsoever shall be granted for further preparations after assumption of duty. Please note: i. It is an offence to serve more than once in the NYSC scheme. ii. Prospective corps members are prohibited from bringing automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles etc. to camp

iii. That your one year of continuous national service begins from the date you report for service at the orientation camp iv. Prospective corps members are reminded that national service is about service to the fatherland; therefore they need to accept their deployment to any state in good faith. However, relocation is granted only to married women, to enable them join their husbands, and those with life threatening ailments.

  1. Nigerian graduates who are foreign-trained should in addition to their academic certificates be ready to present their travelling documents (International Passports) etc. for verification at the point of registration.

  2. You are to report to the Camp with your Bank Verification Number (BVN) and Medical Certificate of fitness from a Govt/Military Hospital

  3. The NYSC program is for a continuous period of 12 months and you must abide by this after registration at the orientation camp

  4. Wishing you a most exciting, rewarding and hitch-free service year. Looking forward to meeting you personally in your state of deployment.

(Yours in Service and Humility

Official Signature)

Congratulations for reading it up to this point!

The Sample of the official NYSC call-up letter

Below is the sample: take time to study it!Nysc call-up letter sample

See Also: Sample of NYSC Green Card

Source: otondo.com.ng

9 thoughts on “NYSC Call-up Letter Sample & Vital Information”

  1. Hi sir please I registered with stream 1 and when it was time to print my call up letter I first of all saw I am in stream 2, before it changed to sorry that I am not in that stream that I will be informed when to get my call up later,sir hope NYSC won’t disappoint me this time around,batch c stream 2 thanks

  2. ogunsola Rokeeb olawale

    what of if my local government is differ from that on my registration due to correction doing registration will I be able to change it in camp

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