Sometimes when Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) check their names on the NYSC Senate list portal they would see a message that reads as “No Record Found. Contact your school for verification of the approved list”. Unfortunately, some PCMs don’t really understand what the message means or why they are seeing it.
If you are among those that have been seeing the “no record found…” on NYSC portal each time you tried to verify your name on the Senate list, you are on the right page. We will explain why the message keep displaying and how to resolve it.
Before we walk you through kindly, take a minute to check your name on Senate list once again. If you keep seeing no record found, then continue reading to get solution.
First, below is how the whole NYSC process works.
Pre-mobilization (gathering of the Senate List)
The first stage of the National Youth Service Corps is pre-mobilization of eligible candidates by Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs). At this stage, various Institutions collect the details of their candidates by asking them to fill mobilization form. Although, there are institutions that automatically enlist their qualified candidates for the National Service without asking them to fill any form. Please, find out if your school requires you to fill any NYSC mobilization form.
Pasting of the Senate List:
The second stage is to paste the name of all the mobilized Prospective Corps Members for cross-checking at the Directorate of Students Affairs in your school. Although, some Corps Producing Institutions usually do not release the list publicly. But most Institutions paste the list on their notice board at the Directorate of Student Affairs for interested persons to cross check their names before final submission to the NYSC. Ensure that you verify your name on the list before the final submission to NYSC.
Submission/Uploading of the Senate List
The third stage is the submission of the Senate Approve List to the NYSC. Your Institution will upload the soft copy of the senate list, and submit it to the NYSC by uploading it to the NYSC portal.
NYSC will make the list accessible online for Prospective Corps Members to check, after they received the hard copy of the Senate list from the Institutions.
NB: Your Institution is totally responsible for the uploading of Senate List on the NYSC portal. Therefore, complaint of your name not found on the Senate list should be taken to them.
>>Check your name on the NYSC graduation list
Hard Copy to Abuja
After the pasting of the list and necessary corrections made, the Corps Producing Institutions will take the hard copies of the Senate list to the NYSC Headquarter in Abuja for verification. If the the ones uploaded online (soft copy) tally with the ones submitted to the NYSC Head Office (hard copy), then the process will continue, but if it does not tally, all names cause the variance would be removed (send to error list).
NYSC, during verification will also check if the names on the list that was submitted to them are in tandem with the JAMB Matriculation list, the name at variance again will be sent to error list. The idea of all these process is to curb corruption and manipulation in some institutions.
The Corruption
In the past, there was nothing like Senate List, JAMB Matriculation or JAMB Regularization. As at 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and so on, there’s nothing like that.
It was in early 2017, that the NYSC management discovered that some Institutions mobilize some people who are not properly graduated to serve in the National Service.
Most of the time they would even remove names of qualified graduates and replace them with the names of those who must have paid to them.
This became so serious, until NYSC issued a warning that any Institution caught in that unethical act will be banned from participating in NYSC scheme.
So, on the attempt to curb the corruption, then the idea of the Senate list going through some rigorous verification processes came into play.
In the early 2018, JAMB noticed that some that schools also mobilize individuals who did not get admission through JAMB.
To stop that, the idea of JAMB Matriculation was introduced.
So, after the numerous cross-checking and necessary measures, the Senate list will then be visible on-line at the NYSC portal for Prospective Corps Members to verify their names.
Even if the senate list is pasted on your Institution’s notice board, you’ll still be getting “No Record Found” if you check the senate list on the NYSC portal until your Institution upload the list on the NYSC portal and submit the hard copy of the list to NYSC.
👉 How to solve “No Record Found on the NYSC Senate List
Why You Keep Seeing ‘No Record Found’ On NYSC Senate List Portal
Now, let us look at the Four(4) vital reasons your name is not on the NYSC Portal.
1. Your School is yet to release the Senate List
One reason you will not find your name on the NYSC portal is because your school has not uploaded or release the Senate list. If your school is yet to release the list, there is no way you would find your name. You will keep seeing “No Record Found” until your institution do the right thing. It is also advisable to ensure that your Institution has uploaded its senate list before you start checking the portal for your name.
2. Hard copy not submitted
After your Institution has uploaded its senate list, they still need to submit the hard copy of the uploaded list to the NYSC Abuja head quarters. If NYSC does not receive the hard copy from your Institution, you will keep seeing “No Record Found”.
3. Your name is omitted by mistake
Your name can be omitted on the Senate list by a mistake. If that is the case, contact your institution.
4. Requirements not fulfilled
If you do not fulfill the mobilization requirements, there is no way you would see your name on the Senate list.
Now, you have seen the major reasons your name may not be found on the NYSC senate List; also you have understood how the NYSC mobilization process works. I urge you not to panic if you keep seeing “No record found”. We recommend you read this post: how to solve “No Record Found” issues on the Senate List.
Note: there may be other reasons your name could not be found on the NYSC senate list, apart from the ones highlighted above.
Source: nyscinfo
I will be 30 this coming February 12,but the senate sat on my results on the 17th of November 20021,how eligible am I to serve?
Good afternoon, have completed all the necessary registration in my school and my name is even on the graduation list, I even checked the jamb portal and it’s all cleared but it’s still showing no record found
A wrong matriculation number (U2015/18350177) was inputted in my dashboard. The wrong number shows my full and correct details while my correct mat/no (U2015/1835077) shows no record found.
My school (Uniport) has sent correction list to NYSC Abuja but they’re yet to effect the change.
Is Nysc still working on correction list?
I really need help to resolve this.
Thank you.
My name isn’t appearing on the graduation list but my name is in the hard copy of my school senate list
Good afternoon to you all! Thanks for the good work you have been doing. God bless you!
My question is this: is it possible to know the schools that have uploaded their Senate list for Batch A Stream 2? If yes, please help!
Thanks very much!
My name isn’t appearing on the NYSC graduation list but it is in the hard copy of my school senate list, what should I do?
My name appeared on graduation list, but is showing me no record found foe registration process
Contact your school
Pls the page is still showing no record found what should I do
Contact your school
Pls,our names not upload
must I have my certificate to swrve
pls I’m still seeing no record found.What will I do?
Contact your institution
Please notify me when Esut upload their names
Pls …exemption letter appears on my nysc portal after registration …how do I go 4 service ignoring Di’s ?
No way, pick up your exemption
Can swapping of surname with first name in jamb be the reason why record is not found on Senate list i.e my first name is in place of my surname and my surname is in place of first name in jamb…that was a mistake made during the time I wrote jamb
Proceed to online registration, if NYSC stop you, contact your institution but if it goes through then rejoice.
Have any school uploaded their senate list?
Yes, most institutions have uploaded but they have not submitted hard copy to NYSC, reason you have not Started seeing your name
Thanks, your updates has really been helpful
Pls I don’t want to go for the service NYSC,what will i do?