NYSC Abbreviations and their Meanings (Acronym and Slangs)

Like other agencies in Nigeria, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has its fair share of interesting acronyms and slangs. In this post, we shall look at the NYSC abbreviations and their meanings.

The NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) is a one-year compulsory program for Nigerian graduates. During this program, graduates are posted to different parts of Nigeria to serve their country. Here are some common terms associated with the NYSC and their meanings.

NYSC terminology and definitions

Below are the NYSC terms and meanings:

1. NYSC: National Youth Service Corps – It refers to the government agency responsible for organizing and implementing the NYSC program.

2. Corps Member: A graduate who has been admitted into the NYSC program and is undergoing the mandatory service. They are also referred to as “Corpers.”

3. Orientation Camp: This is the initial phase of the NYSC program. Corps members are required to spend approximately three weeks in an NYSC orientation camp. Here they receive training, lectures, and engage in various activities to prepare them for their service year.

4. Platoon: Corps members in the orientation camp are divided into smaller groups called platoons. Each platoon is usually led by a platoon leader.

5. PPA: Place of Primary Assignment – After the orientation camp, corps members are posted to different organizations, institutions, or agencies where they will serve. This posting is known as the PPA. You may like to check how to change your NYSC PPA.

6. CDS: Community Development Service – It refers to the voluntary activities that corps members undertake to contribute to the development of their host communities. Corps members are expected to engage in at least one CDS group during their service year.

7. Clearance: Corps members need to obtain clearance from their PPA and other relevant authorities to show that they have completed their assigned tasks and responsibilities satisfactorily. Clearances are usually required for the issuance of the NYSC discharge certificate.

8. Passing Out Parade (POP): At the end of the one-year service, there is a ceremony called the Passing Out Parade. It marks the formal completion of the NYSC program, and corps members receive their discharge certificates.

9. Call-Up Letter: This is a document issued by the NYSC to inform prospective corps members of their deployment and provide them with necessary details such as their orientation camp location and date.

10. State Coordinator: Each state has an NYSC State Coordinator who oversees the operations and administration of the NYSC program within that state.

11. Allowance: During the service year, corps members receive a monthly stipend from the federal government to support their basic needs and living expenses. You may like to check NYSC allowance for all states in Nigeria.

12. SAED: Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development – SAED is a program implemented by the NYSC to equip corps members with valuable skills and entrepreneurship training. It aims to promote self-reliance and encourage corps members to start their own businesses.

13. Call-Up Number: Each corps member is assigned a unique identification number called the Call-Up Number. It is used for identification and tracking throughout the NYSC program.

14. Camp Director: The Camp Director is an NYSC official who is responsible for the overall management and coordination of activities in the orientation camp.

15. Zonal Inspector: Zonal Inspectors are NYSC officials who oversee the activities of multiple orientation camps within a specific geographical zone. They provide guidance, support, and supervision to the camp officials and corps members.

16. Redeployment: In certain cases, corps members may be eligible for redeployment, which involves requesting a change in their initial posting location. This could be due to health reasons, marital issues, or other genuine grounds.

17. Community Development Project (CDP): As part of their CDS activities, corps members are required to initiate and execute a community development project that addresses a specific need in their host community. These projects can range from health campaigns to infrastructure development and educational initiatives.

18. Discharge Certificate: After completing the NYSC program successfully, corps members are awarded a discharge certificate. This certificate serves as proof of completion and is often required for employment opportunities, further education, or government-related matters.

19. Monthly Clearance: Corps members are required to undergo a monthly clearance process where they present themselves and necessary documents to their Local Government Inspector (LGI) or other designated officials. This is to verify their presence, participation in activities, and compliance with program requirements.

20. Corps Disciplinary Committee: This committee is responsible for addressing cases of misconduct or violations of NYSC rules and regulations by corps members. It investigates complaints, conducts hearings, and recommends appropriate disciplinary actions if necessary.

21. Call-Up Stream: NYSC organizes the deployment of corps members into batches or streams. Each batch or stream represents a specific group of corps members who undergo the orientation program together. The call-up stream refers to the particular group or batch to which a corps member belongs.

22. CLO: Community Liaison Officer – The CLO is an NYSC-appointed official who serves as a link between corps members and the host community. They assist in addressing issues, fostering good relations, and providing support and guidance to corps members during their service year.

23. Medical Certificate of Fitness: Before corps members are admitted into the NYSC program, they are required to undergo a medical examination and obtain a medical certificate of fitness. This certificate verifies their physical fitness and ability to participate in the program.

24. Relocation: Relocation is the process through which corps members are transferred from their initial place of primary assignment (PPA) to another location within or outside their state of deployment. It can be initiated due to specific reasons such as health, security, or extreme hardship.

25. State Allowance: In addition to the federal allowance, some states provide an additional allowance to corps members serving in their respective states. The state allowance varies from state to state and is aimed at further supporting corps members during their service year.

26. Place of Primary Assignment Acceptance Letter: After being posted to a PPA, corps members are required to write an acceptance letter to formally accept the posting and indicate their readiness to serve at the assigned organization or institution.

27. Corps Discipline: Corps discipline refers to the code of conduct and behavior expected from corps members during their service year. It includes adherence to rules, punctuality, respect for authority, and proper representation of the NYSC program.

28. Passing-Out Exercise: The Passing-Out Exercise is a formal ceremony held at the end of the service year to mark the official completion of the NYSC program. During this event, corps members are officially discharged, and they receive their discharge certificates.

29. SAED Training: SAED training refers to the skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development training provided to corps members during the NYSC program. It aims to equip them with practical skills and knowledge in various vocational fields or entrepreneurial endeavors.

30. Call-Up Stream/Batch: The NYSC program is organized into different streams or batches, with each batch having a specific date of orientation camp commencement. Corps members are assigned to a particular stream or batch based on their registration details and the needs of the NYSC.

31. State Allotment: State allotment refers to the allocation of corps members to various local government areas within a state for their place of primary assignment. It is determined by the NYSC authority based on factors such as population density, infrastructure, and available opportunities.

32. Disciplinary Measures: The NYSC has established disciplinary measures to address violations of its rules and regulations. These measures can include warnings, sanctions, extension of service, or even outright dismissal from the program, depending on the severity of the offense.

33. NYSC Bye-laws: The NYSC Bye-laws are the set of regulations and guidelines that govern the conduct and operations of the NYSC program. They provide a framework for corps members, camp officials, and other stakeholders to ensure the smooth running of the program.

34. CDS Group: The CDS group refers to the community development service group that corps members join during their service year. These groups focus on specific areas such as education, health, environment, sports, and more, and engage in activities that contribute to community development.

35. Call-Up Letter Printing: Call-Up Letter Printing is the process where corps members access and print their call-up letters, which contain information about their deployment, orientation camp details, and other important instructions. It is done through the official NYSC portal.

36. Exemption Certificate: In certain cases, graduates may be exempted from participating in the NYSC program. This exemption may be granted based on specific criteria, such as age at graduation or having completed a higher degree program before graduation. The exemption certificate serves as proof that the individual is exempted from the NYSC program.

37. Passing-Out Parade Rehearsal: Before the actual Passing-Out Parade (POP), corps members usually go through a rehearsal to practice the sequence of events, marching, and other ceremonial aspects. This rehearsal ensures that the POP ceremony runs smoothly and is well-coordinated.

38. Family House: The Family House is a designated accommodation provided by the NYSC during the orientation camp for married corps members. It allows married corps members and their families to reside together during the camp period.

39. State Code Number: Each state in Nigeria is assigned a unique code number by the NYSC. This code number is used to identify and differentiate the various states within the NYSC system. It is often referenced when discussing state deployments and postings.

40. Corps Welfare and Inspectorate Department (CWID): The CWID is a department within the NYSC responsible for overseeing the welfare and well-being of corps members. They address issues related to corps members’ welfare, safety, and accommodation.

41. NYSC Foundation: The NYSC Foundation is an organization that supports the NYSC program through various initiatives. It provides scholarships, grants, and other forms of assistance to corps members and also engages in projects that promote national unity and development.

42. Religious/Social Group: In addition to the mandatory CDS group, corps members may also join religious or social groups based on their interests or affiliations. These groups provide opportunities for like-minded corps members to come together, engage in activities, and foster camaraderie.

43. Secretariat: The NYSC Secretariat is the administrative office responsible for overseeing and coordinating the activities of the NYSC program in a specific state. It serves as the central point for corps members’ documentation, inquiries, and other administrative matters.

44. Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (SAEDC): SAEDC refers to the centers established by the NYSC to provide training and support in various vocational skills and entrepreneurship development. These centers offer practical training, workshops, and mentoring to enhance the entrepreneurial capabilities of corps members.

45. NYSC Forum: The NYSC Forum is an online platform or discussion board where corps members, prospective corps members, and NYSC officials can interact, share information, ask questions, and discuss various aspects of the NYSC program.

46. Rural Area Posting: Some corps members may be posted to rural areas as their Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). This involves serving in remote communities with limited infrastructure and resources. Rural area postings are aimed at promoting development and providing corps members with exposure to rural life and challenges.

47. Community Development Project (CDP) Report: As part of their community development service, corps members are required to submit a report detailing the execution and impact of their community development projects. The CDP report highlights the objectives, activities, achievements, and challenges faced during the project implementation.

48. Disciplinary Committee: The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for investigating and adjudicating cases of misconduct or infractions committed by corps members during the NYSC program. The committee reviews evidence, conducts hearings, and recommends appropriate disciplinary actions.

49. NYSC Identification Card: Each corps member is issued an NYSC Identification Card, commonly known as the “NYSC ID card.” This card serves as proof of identity and membership in the NYSC program. It is required for accessing various services, facilities, and privileges during the service year.

50. NYSC Foundation Skills Acquisition Program: The NYSC Foundation Skills Acquisition Program is an initiative designed to enhance the vocational skills of corps members. It offers training and capacity-building programs in various trades and professions, equipping corps members with practical skills for self-employment and economic empowerment.

51. NYSC Act: The NYSC Act is the legislative framework that establishes the National Youth Service Corps program in Nigeria. It outlines the objectives, structure, and operations of the NYSC and provides legal backing for its implementation.

52. Passing-Out Certificate: At the completion of the NYSC program, corps members are awarded a Passing-Out Certificate. This certificate confirms the successful completion of the service year and serves as evidence of participation in the program.

53. NYSC Inspectorate: The NYSC Inspectorate is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the activities of the NYSC program across various states. It ensures compliance with NYSC guidelines, assesses the quality of service delivery, and provides feedback for program improvement.

54. Batch Registration: Batch registration refers to the process where prospective corps members are grouped into specific batches for registration and deployment. It involves the collection of registration details, verification, and allocation of deployment based on the batch to which a corps member belongs.

55. NYSC Anthem: The NYSC Anthem is a patriotic song sung by corps members during NYSC events and ceremonies. It embodies the spirit of national unity, service, and loyalty to Nigeria.

56. NYSC Community Development Service (CDS) Week: The CDS Week is a designated period during the NYSC program when corps members engage in intensive community development activities. It involves organizing special events, campaigns, and projects aimed at addressing specific community needs or promoting social welfare.

57. NYSC State Governing Board: The NYSC State Governing Board is a body constituted at the state level to oversee the implementation and management of the NYSC program within the state. It comprises government officials, representatives from relevant agencies, and NYSC officials.

58. State Coordinator’s Certification: The State Coordinator’s Certification is a document issued by the NYSC State Coordinator to verify the satisfactory completion of a corps member’s service year. It is required for the issuance of the NYSC discharge certificate.

59. Place of Primary Assignment Evaluation Form: Corps members are usually required to fill out an evaluation form for their Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). This form allows them to assess and provide feedback on their experience, the working conditions, and the level of support received during their service at the PPA.

60. NYSC Ventures: NYSC Ventures refers to the business and entrepreneurial initiatives established by the NYSC to provide corps members with opportunities for skills acquisition and income generation. These ventures may include production and sale of goods, services, and other commercial activities.

61. NYSC Skills and Entrepreneurship Development Lectures: As part of the SAED program, corps members attend skills and entrepreneurship development lectures. These lectures cover various topics related to business management, marketing, financial literacy, and personal development to equip corps members with knowledge and skills for entrepreneurship.

62. NYSC Family Planning/HIV and AIDS Education: The NYSC program includes education and awareness campaigns on family planning and HIV/AIDS. Corps members receive training and information on reproductive health, safe sexual practices, and the prevention of HIV/AIDS, promoting healthy lifestyles and responsible behavior.

63. NYSC Legal Aid: The NYSC Legal Aid program provides legal assistance and support to corps members in matters relating to their rights, grievances, and legal challenges. It aims to protect the legal rights of corps members and ensure access to justice.

64. NYSC Sports and Cultural Festival: The NYSC Sports and Cultural Festival is an annual event that brings together corps members from different states for friendly competitions and cultural displays. It showcases the talents and cultural diversity of corps members and fosters unity and camaraderie.

65. NYSC Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development Loan: The NYSC SAED Loan is a financial support scheme initiated by the NYSC to provide loans to corps members who have undergone skills acquisition training and intend to start or expand their businesses. It offers financial assistance to promote entrepreneurship among corps members.

66. AI: Area Inspector – He/she is in charge of the NYSC in a given area.

67. Allowee: Allowance – This is monthly stipend paid to Corps members’. The current NYSC allowance is fixed at N33,000. In addition, corps members also receive State allowance and PPA allowance which varies from States.

68. Book of Life: this is an important book that contain details of all Corps members who registered in Orientation camp. Every Corps member in camp ought to sign this book before leaving the camp.

69. PCM: Prospective Corps Member – It’s a graduate who aspires to become a member of the National Youth Service Corps.

70. Camp Director – he or she is the head of camp officials in charge of camp activities.

71. CC – this means Camp Commandant. A soldier who has the highest rank in camp. He is incharge of parade, training, security and other activities in the NYSC camp.

72. CDS Card – this is an official card signed by the NYSC officer in a given Local Government with a passport photograph attached to it after the last CDS meeting.

73. CM: Corps Member – A serving member of the National Youth Service Corps.

74. Corper – this is a short way of saying Corps member.

75. Corper wee – this means “Corper we” a phrase to draw attention of Corpers and ginger their high morals to serve. Corpers’ response is “waaa” which means one.

76. DEC – Deputy Editor in Chief of NYSC magazine team.

77. Decamp – to expel a corps member or send them away from camp because they committed an offense.

78. DG – this means Director-General. This is an army officer who is the overall head of the National Youth Service Corps. See NYSC DG profile and his salary.

79. Domicile Letter  letter from a husband to NYSC applying for redeployment of his wife to his state of residence stating clearly his home address. Check out sample of domicile letter.

80. Double Up – a military slang that soldiers often use in camp to tell corps members to run very fast.

81. Exco – Executive Council Officers of corps members’ CDS group.

82. Ghost corper corper that don’t participate in activities yet he/she collects monthly allowance and other benefits as though he is serving. See how to become a ghost Corper.

83. Green card – this is a registration slip that prospective corps members print out after successful online registration. See Green card sample.

84. LGA – Local Government Area.

85. LGI – Local Government Inspector. This is an NYSC official who supervises Corps members posted to a certain Local Government Area.

86. LI – Local Inspector. Same as Local Government Inspector. He/she is in charge of the scheme in a given local government area.

87. Mami market – A market inside NYSC orientation camp.

88. Nysc info: Nyscinfo is a website that inform Corps members and prospective corps members about the happenings in NYSC program.

89. OBS: Orientation Broadcasting Station – This is a radio station within the NYSC Orientation camp. They inform and entertain Corps members in camp.

90. Otondo – the origin or the actual meaning of this word is not yet known. However, Soldiers in NYSC camp usually call new Corps members “otondo”, especially when they make a mistake.

91. Parade Commender – a Corps member who lead all the platoons during parade.

92. Platoon Commander – a Corps member leading a platoon during parade.

93. Platoon Inspector – a camp official in charge of a platoon in orientation camp.

94. Posting letter – this letter contain details of where a Corps member is posted for his/her PPA. See how to print NYSC PPA online.

95. PPA: Place of Primary Assignment – This is an organization where corps members are posted to work after Orientation camp course. See how to change NYSC PPA.

96. PRO – Public Relation Officer.

97. PV: Payment Voucher – It’s a document that Corps members sign before they recieve allowance for that month.

98. Remobilization – this is online registration for Corps members who are de-camped or absconded from service.

99. Revalidation – another opportunity to go for NYSC which is given to PCM who registered previously but failed to go to camp after printing call-up letter. Check out how to do NYSC Revalidation.

100. Senate list – List of graduates eligible to register for NYSC. See how to check your name on Senate list.

2 thoughts on “NYSC Abbreviations and their Meanings (Acronym and Slangs)”

  1. Dimkpa Dimkpa Esuku

    Head Of Corpers (HOC) he/she is incharge of corps members in a particular/given Place of Primary Assignment (PPA), he/she communicate/relate with the CLO, by calling CLO Attension over corpers challenges and welfare in a given PPA, then CLO take it to LGI,Thanks.

  2. Musa Abubakar Sani

    SD sports director a corps member who assist the platoon officer in carrying sports activities in the camp.

    DS Director of social same as sports director but help in carrying social activities of a platoon.

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